Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR project “AHPI”

AHPI (Analyse Harmonique et Problèmes Inverses), is a “Projet blanc” in Mathematics involving Inria-Sophia (L. Baratchart coordinator), the Université de Provence (LATP, Aix-Marseille), the Université Bordeaux I (LATN), the Université d'Orléans (MAPMO), Inria-Bordeaux and the Université de Pau (Magique 3D). It aims at developing Harmonic Analysis techniques to approach inverse problems in seismology, electro-encephalography, tomography and nondestructive control.

ANR project “Filipix”

Filipix (FILtering for Innovative Payload with Improved fleXibility) is a “Projet Thématique en Télécommunications”, involving Inria-Sophia (Apics), XLim, Thales Alenia Space (Centre de Toulouse, coordinator).